Mittwoch, 11. Januar 2012

Leipzig Favourites Vleischerei in Plagwitz


a new 'Leipzig Faves' post. Last weekend my friend and I went to ''Vleischerei' in Plagwitz after a walk throug Schleußig and Plagwitz, the alternative quarters of Leipzig.  Burger, Sausages, Gyros and Curry Sausages are just a few of the menues you can get there. Althoug everything there are things you could also get at a usual bistro. The point is EVERYTHING is VEGAN. And soooooooooooooooo TASTY: Yummy.

I had a burger and M had the curry sausage with fries. The burger is soo tasty. With a lot of pickeled cucumber ( a burger without cucumber is a crime), red and white salad, onion, tomato and a tasty vegan remoulade. Yummy.

Nonnenbrücke, Karl Heine Kanal

located between Schleußig and Plagwitz

1 Kommentar:

  1. Danke :)
    Mhhh der Burger sieht echt lecker aus! Interessanter Name für ein Veganes Bistro :D
