Samstag, 28. Juli 2012

Udon Miso Soup

Today I tried to cook a Udon soup. Of course it doesn`t look very good like in a restaurant or like a real japanese would make it but it tasted quite well and I can assure you that its very healthy. If you want to learn more about traditional japanese cooking I recommend the following youtube channel:

runnyrunny japanese cooking

For the soup you need:

snow peas
miso soup pastery
udon noodles
tofu or egg
spring onions
 additional: carrots

Miso pastery



- chop the onions, snow peas, tomatos and cucumbers
- place the udon in seperate bowls together with the cucumber and tomatos, make sure your bowl is big enough because you will need space for the soup

- pan the snow peas and the onions with salt and pepper (if you like, also carrots)
- fill off with water, wait until it boils
- add miso pastery and let it slowly blend in
- taste

-add tofu and let it steep for five minutes in the boiling soup
-after five minutes fill up the bowls and let the noodles steep in the hot soup

You can add chilli or soy sauce if you like.

1 Kommentar:

  1. ooh, da hab ich jetzt voll lust drauf. mach ich mich bestimmt gleich morgen mal ran - nachdem ichs übersetzt hab ;) (mein englisch ist leider die letzten jahre nach der schule eingeschlafen...)
