Samstag, 28. Juli 2012

Udon Miso Soup

Today I tried to cook a Udon soup. Of course it doesn`t look very good like in a restaurant or like a real japanese would make it but it tasted quite well and I can assure you that its very healthy. If you want to learn more about traditional japanese cooking I recommend the following youtube channel:

runnyrunny japanese cooking

For the soup you need:

snow peas
miso soup pastery
udon noodles
tofu or egg
spring onions
 additional: carrots

Miso pastery



- chop the onions, snow peas, tomatos and cucumbers
- place the udon in seperate bowls together with the cucumber and tomatos, make sure your bowl is big enough because you will need space for the soup

- pan the snow peas and the onions with salt and pepper (if you like, also carrots)
- fill off with water, wait until it boils
- add miso pastery and let it slowly blend in
- taste

-add tofu and let it steep for five minutes in the boiling soup
-after five minutes fill up the bowls and let the noodles steep in the hot soup

You can add chilli or soy sauce if you like.

Textil Kontor in Leipzig

In this post  I want to write about a fashion shop in Leipzig, which convinced me totally. This shop is called Textil Kontor and you find it near the city campus and beneath the 'Städtisches Kaufhaus' in Kupfergasse. Its an outlet. They ALWAYS display very, feminine, playful and romantic clothes in the window. In April I discoverd the perfect pair of trousers. It was made of couched, off white cotton. It was the perfect mori girl and yet adult pair of trousers for the summer, I`ve ever seen. I said myself, that I will give them to me as a present to myself when I submited my BA thesis. As I finished my BA thesis I was afraid, that the trousers could be out of stock but they were there, waiting for me. As I said to the women, who own the shop, that I submited my BA thesis, she gave me a 'Bachelorette price reduction'. AWESOME!
The trousers are a dream. Perfect for hot days. The ankles are uncoverd, which remains the feet fresh, but the thights are coverd, since I dont like these super short hotpants. The cotton is very light and pleasant to the skin. Soooo good buy. The shop provides alot of beautiful dresses, too. It is not very cheap but if you want something special and exclusive, you can find good deals there rather than in a regular designers boutique. I can recommend this shop and I think I will go there a second time, when I need a dress or skirt for a festive occasion or a job interview.



Dear readers,

finally I`ve finished my Bachelor`s thesis. I`ve submited my thesis the past monday. (I hope I pass) Fortunately, the summer weather returned to germany just this day. We had one week full of heat and sun. I went shopping with my mom, who was there to help me throug the correctures. Chilling with friends by having a game night and a tasty menue with carrot soup, beetroot noodles and a tiramisu my mother made, was my celebration of the occasion. Now I am at my bf`s parents house at the baltic coast. It is very relaxing and fun. I was already bathing in the bay of Kiel and enjoyed cooking tasty meals with my bf. Did you know that my bf is a genius in baking?
 I will post some recipes soon. Miso-Udon-Soup, Carrot- Orange- Soup, Tiramisu with fresh fruits. Sound yummy? 

I also want to say thank you, to all my friends, my sister, my mom and my roommates for helping me throug the BA stress with correctures, distractions, leniency, listening and talking. Thank you all. With you, the work was almost fun. Anyone who like to know what my BA is about?

My hood, Wintergarten Hochhaus mit Messe M, Leipzig

My mother brought this beautiful boquet

Quick fresh-up on a hot day, Augustus Platz, Leipzig

Asia Supermarket, Leipzig

Augustus Platz, Leipzig

Kieler Förde, Bay of Kiel


aaaw, how fresh

Kiel Harbor

Waiting for the ferry

Do I like myself with glasses or not? I am not sure.

Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2012

Long time no see

Dear readers,

I am busy working on my BA graduation paper. So, I`d like to say sorry for the rare updates. Of course, I am sitting inside and working, writing and reading but I also try to grasp some pieces of summer as well. So how is summer in Leipzig: the summer is always very, warm and long but also very humid scince this city is located between two rivers, three lakes and a canal. Humid air and a lot of rain as well. But nevermind, we have also 3 lakes! That means bike tours throug parks and fields alongside the river till you reach the place of desire (beach). That is summer for me and I am glad I can have that all in this city, alongside open air concerts, summer theater and flea markets. In addition, Leipzig provides you the following awesome summer things: warm nights in beer garden,  park and barbecue, and chilling in the park feeding Squirells, you find always something is happen and you can always find a place to go with your friends and family.
The most important aspect of summer in general is that I can wear DRESSES AND SANDALS. Gosh, a summer without naked legs and  bare feets is a waste of my time. ;)
So, here are some glimpses of my rare summer grasps:

Near Thomaskirche

Reudnitz by night

Kaffee Schwarz

Super yummy brunch in Kaffee Schwarz

Heart of Summer/ Cospudener See

They look like they have little monster eyes

My favourite summer dresses (but I have more) Seems like I love see throug fabrics.