Mittwoch, 4. April 2012

My new purse

You all know them, these little things of everyday-live which you just need. Towels, hats and scarfs and purses. Usually I had two. One for my several cards and one for my money. But now they are both worn out and broken. Broken closures are the least thing you need at a purse. So the mission was clear: New Purse.
For a person, who like it pretty and playful till the littlest things it wasn`t an easy challenge. My former moneypurse was cat-shaped and from leather. And the card purse was a playfull pearl embroided etuie. I liked them very much and will use them for some handycraft.
I was looking for a new purse since november. And yesterday at my monthly visit at the comic book store THER IT WAS: the perfect purse. Playfull and pretty, solid and with enough space for all important cards and passes and the different kinds of money.


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