But Estonians aren't that into Easter as my lovley compaignons from Germany and Tschech Republic and me sadly discovered. The more you go east or west, the more easter traditions you find. But still we could attent some stuff at the Open Air Museeum.
I also had a walk in a bog in Nömme, Pääskülla Rabane on Holy Friday. It was very surprising to find such a calm and open space in the urban area of Tallinn.
But to be honest it was my sister who brought spring finally into town. The day she was here, since then the weather just kept getting better and better, the following photo, she took of me while we had a break. The segull was typically sneaky and was trying to beg the sandwhich from me, sneaking nearer and nearer and looking at me with her blank, shiny seagull eyes.
So nice international people. Italy, Kroatia, Tschech Republic and Germany. |
Springdance on the well. |
Dying eggs with onion peels and birch leaves! |
Estonian children are soooo cute! <3 |
and international adults who don't want to be grown up too! |
Setowomen "Schnaps! Its selfmade! Drink! Drink!" |
Schnaps, egg and bread with kurd. |
Seto music. |
Like children: tired after a day of games. :)) |